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Barrett Grounding Mat


The Barrett Recovery Grounding Mat dispels charges in the body that can lead to inflammation and other symptoms. The mat is easily plugged into a grounded outlet to access the earth’s electrical current. Users can either stand or sit directly on the mat or place it under their mattress for contact while sleeping. Our grounding mat is excellent for treatments after surgery or as a part of a daily care routine.

Backed By Science
Research consistently proves the benefits of direct contact with the earth, a practice called grounding or earthing, including reduced inflammation, chronic pain relief, improved wound healing, mood control, and strengthened immune support. But, it’s unrealistic for everyone to take the time out of their lives for a daily barefoot nature walk. The Barrett Recovery Grounding Mat is an essential self-care tool that brings the benefits of grounding indoors.

Barrett Grounding Mat


The Barrett Recovery Grounding Mat dispels charges in the body that can lead to inflammation and other symptoms. The mat is easily plugged into a grounded outlet to access the earth’s electrical current. Users can either stand or sit directly on the mat or place it under their mattress for contact while sleeping. Our grounding mat is excellent for treatments after surgery or as a part of a daily care routine.

Backed By Science
Research consistently proves the benefits of direct contact with the earth, a practice called grounding or earthing, including reduced inflammation, chronic pain relief, improved wound healing, mood control, and strengthened immune support. But, it’s unrealistic for everyone to take the time out of their lives for a daily barefoot nature walk. The Barrett Recovery Grounding Mat is an essential self-care tool that brings the benefits of grounding indoors.

The Barrett Recovery Grounding Mat dispels charges in the body that can lead to inflammation and other symptoms. The mat is easily plugged into a grounded outlet to access the earth’s electrical current. Users can either stand or sit directly on the mat or place it under their mattress for contact while sleeping. Our grounding mat is excellent for treatments after surgery or as a part of a daily care routine.

Research consistently proves the benefits of direct contact with the earth, a practice called grounding or earthing, including reduced inflammation, chronic pain relief, improved wound healing, mood control, and strengthened immune support. But, it’s unrealistic for everyone to take the time out of their lives for a daily barefoot nature walk. The Barrett Recovery Grounding Mat is an essential self-care tool that brings the benefits of grounding indoors.

It’s harder than ever to get outside with the demands of our work, home, and social lives, and even when we do enjoy nature, our modern culture still prevents us from truly connecting. Most of the shoes we wear contain rubber soles, which insulate the bottom of our feet from the electrical charges of the earth. These charges positively affect the body, allowing it to recalibrate its natural defenses. Scientists have found that direct contact with the earth charges the living matrix, which connects all our living cells. Electrical conductivity within the living matrix functions as an immune system defense, and grounding uses the electrical charges from the earth to activate it. 

However, modern life disconnects us from nature in a plethora of ways, and as a result of a global pandemic, the 2020s have been defined by virtual living. Even before our lives changed, people have been spending less and less time outside. According to a 2019 study, almost half of the US population doesn’t participate in any outdoor recreation, with only around 18% engaging in outdoor activities at least once a week. So, how does one take advantage of grounding while navigating the challenges of modern life? Using a conducting mat similar to those people in the electronics industry use to prevent static charges from developing makes it possible to engage in grounding indoors. 

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