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How to Best Prepare Your Body Ahead of Surgery

How to Best Prepare Your Body Ahead of Surgery

How to Best Prepare Your Body Ahead of Surgery

Congratulations! We’re sure you’re feeling pretty excited (and maybe more than a little nervous) right now, but rest assured: you’re on your way to your new self! But first, it’s important that you prepare your body for plastic surgery to ensure a smooth procedure and fast recovery. Whether you’re getting a Brazillian Butt Lift, a breast augmentation, a tummy tuck, or another procedure, Dr. Barrett has curated a whole host of pre-surgery care, tips and best practices to prepare for plastic surgery.

The weeks leading up to your surgery:

● It’s very important to be as healthy as you possibly can for at least two weeks prior to your surgery. This means:

○ No fad diets;

○ No excessive exercise;

○ No alcohol for at least two weeks pre-surgery;

○ No illicit drug use for at least two weeks pre-surgery (if you’re in a legal state, cannabis is ok, so long as it isn’t smoked);

○ No smoking for a least six weeks pre-surgery;

○ For women over 50 on hormone replacement therapy, discontinue use two weeks prior to surgery

● If you’re feeling anxious, breathing exercises, like a 4-7-8 breathing technique can help calm your nerves. CBD is exceptionally helpful to treat anxiety and help you relax (Dr. Barrett swears by Barrett Recovery CBD.)

The night before

● Avoid taking anything that can cause you to bleed excessively during surgery. This includes:

○ Aspirin;

○ Ibuprofen;

○ Aleve;

○ Anything with garlic;

○ Fish oil

● One of Dr. Barrett’s most-recommended pre-op supplements is Healfast Pre-Op. Specifically formulated to prepare your body for surgery, it provides the optimal level of nutrient support for enhanced recovery after surgery. Its blend of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, amino acids, probiotics and anti-inflammatories are designed to aid the healing process by reducing swelling, bruising and inflammation, and aiding in pain control, while also maximizing your nutritional status and preventing the depletion of key nutrients that occurs when undergoing your BBLbreast augmentationtummy tuck, or any other surgical procedure.

The Big day

How to Best Prepare Your Body Ahead of Surgery

● Make sure you’re on time for your procedure

● Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothes that are easy to get on and off, like a zip-up jacket, sweatpants and a sweatshirt and keep in mind that they might get bloody

● Your surgeon should meet with you before beginning to make any markings, review your goals and answer any questions

● The most important thing not to forget: patience! Things may not run on time, but rest assured the surgical staff is there to take care of you

● Hungry after surgery? Use your appetite as your guide. Many people take it slow and be sure to start with clear fluids before eating something solid, but do avoid anything spicy for at least 24 hours after surgery.

Note: The following video is intended for only Dr. Barrett’s patients exclusively. If you have had surgery by another surgeon please follow up with that surgeon for particular details about your surgery.

Plan ahead for your BBL recovery with our ultimate post-op recovery kit and check out this video with tips, tricks and post-op instructions from Dr. Barrett himself.

Do you want to learn more about Barrett Plastic Surgery? Keep up to date by subscribing to our blog and following us on social media at Twitter, TikTok, Instagram, Realself, YouTube, Snapchat, Yelp, and Facebook for updates.

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